Red Door has chosen to partner with NourishKC in a number of ways but for one really great reason.
At Red Door we all about service; providing exceptional service to our guests and performing service in our community. Just as NourishKC’s mission is to nourish the bodies and minds our Kansas City community in need, Red Door is committed to offering its culinary resources to help improve the lives of that same community. Our Culinary Team offers food safety classes, culinary skills training and provides insight into the soft skills and expertise needed to thrive in a culinary career and beyond. In the spring of 2021Red Door drew additional support from its vendors and strategic alliances to help create a beautiful, safe, and comfortable place to dine at NourishKC’s facility in Kansas City. Dining renovations will be complete by summer 2022.
From leadership to service staff, at Red Door, we set our sites on what’s possible, not limiting ourselves by thoughts of scarcity or inadequacy. And NourishKC encourages its guests to do the same through its unique and empowering food service model. There is power in being able to make decisions for yourself, no matter how small, so guests are able to choose what they eat and where they sit. They are treated with respect regardless of social status or circumstance. It’s those seemingly small things that can change a person’s outlook and provide much-needed hope for a better day.
Serving over 500 meals a day, as NourishKC does, requires a lot of help. NourishKC has an amazing force of volunteers, some of which have served for decades, but they always need more. At Red Door we encourage all of our team members to get involved, in whatever way they feel moved to serve, and to help shape the future of the City that has been so good to us all.
Be sure to follow our socials for updates and information on the Grand Opening. You won’t want to miss it!
Be sure to follow our socials for updates and information on the Grand Opening. You won’t want to miss it!